Heritage Roses Otago convener Fran Rawling (left) and group member Jean Grace discuss a rose, named Rote Max Graf, while pruning during a working bee at Dunedin’s Northern Cemetery yesterday.
Dunedin friends Andrea Samson and Lucy Warren have launched "Touched by Pink", a social enterprise to provide more lingerie options for breast cancer survivors.
Policy makers should consider flexibility to meet human needs, including retrieving pets and memorabilia, when planning post-earthquake cordons, Otago researchers say.
One of New Zealand’s first reverse vending machines for recycling cans and plastic bottles began operating on the University of Otago campus yesterday.
New Zealand is falling further behind Australia and other developed countries over access to up-to-date medications to treat inflammatory bowel disease, Dunedin gastroenterologist Michael Schultz...
Many "win-win" benefits are expected to flow from a collaborative digital recording and conservation project involving rare engraved Moriori trees at Otago Museum.
Renee Bond’s sense of humour has survived bouts of serious illness during her studies and has also helped her accept she cannot graduate in person from the University of Otago.
University of Otago postgraduate students Holly Still and Taylor Hamlin have gained two of Antarctica New Zealand’s four national doctoral scholarships this year, to support Antarctic research.