People who have been made redundant or who are facing job insecurity are being urged to attend an Otago Careers Festival event tonight in the Clifford Skeggs Gallery.
Retailer Smiths City Group is feeling the pain of recession as consumers keep their wallets in their pockets.
The launch yesterday of a fundraising appeal for workers made redundant by Lane Walker Rudkin is putting more pressure on the Government to act as job losses mount.
Easter, Otago Anniversary Day and school holidays combined with unseasonably fine autumn weather may have contributed to an improved performance in the services index for April.
The launch yesterday of a fundraising appeal for workers made redundant by Lane Walker Rudkin is putting more pressure on the Government to act as job losses mount.
The launch yesterday of a fundraising appeal for workers made redundant by Lane Walker Rudkin is putting more pressure on the Government to act as job losses mount.
Financial reforms being formulated in the United States should have some welcome benefits for New Zealand investors, financial planner Peter Smith says.
Consumer caution com- pounded retailers' misery in the first three months of the year, Westpac chief economist Brendan O'Donovan said yesterday.
The Reserve Bank missed its mark when expressing concern about what it considers unjustifiably high bank lending margins, BNZ chief economist Tony Alexander says.
Manufacturing sentiment in the South is improving but it is too early for anyone to say the recovery is under way, Otago-Southland Employers Association acting chief executive Diana Hudson says.
The Reserve Bank is urging banks to continue to lend to creditworthy borrowers but considers margins being paid on floating rate mortgages are unusually high.
Air New Zealand could be in merger talks with another airline by the end of the year, an aviation think tank says.
Bad debt expenses for Australia's four major banks, all of which have significant operations in New Zealand, nearly trebled to a 16-year high in the six months to March.
Training provider Jacque Aldridge takes a pragmatic approach when she is called in to provide mentoring assistance to a business having difficulties - she asks them two questions.
New Zealand's much-awaited third mobile phone network has been renamed 2degrees and is now expected to be launched in August.
Nationwide E retailer Postie Plus has defied the downturn to finish the three months ended April with growth in sales and margin and increased market share.
Business owners under stress are being urged not to bottle up their problems but to take advantage of some local business advice available to them.
Mike Ferrari estimates he has been associated with about 260 businesses during his many years as a business mentor in Otago.
Latest figures appear to support warnings that price rises and a debacle over directors' fees would turn customers off Contact Energy but broker indications suggest it may be an opportune time for potential investors.
It must be a difficult job selecting which song you wish to include in an anthology tour repertoire when you are paying tribute to one of the world's most influential bands.