ANZ-National was New Zealand's largest bank in 2008 by a wide margin, the latest KPMG Financial Institutions Performance Survey shows.
The scheduled end of the Government-backed deposit guarantee schemes in October 2010 had created a "wall of money" and would leave many investors uncertain what to do if the schemes were not extended, KPMG said yesterday.
Economic growth indicators appear to have stabilised, with tentative evidence that world commodity prices are providing some good news for New Zealand's major exporter of commodities, the dairy industry.
Dunedin designer Sarah Macdonald's passion for hunting, fishing and outdoor life has led to a remarkable career path which seems soon to take a giant leap forward.
Gourmet Ice Cream Company managing director Mark Scorgie and Green Man Brewery general manager Jeremy Seaman talk enthusiastically about the importance of getting their products in front of potential customers.
Dunedin is continuing to improve on its reputation as one of the most supportive cities in New Zealand for business start-ups and new businesses, Dunedin City Council economic development manager Peter Harris says.
The NZX-50 ended the week on levels not seen since mid-February, leaving brokers feeling much better about their jobs.
Air New Zealand was better placed than its transtasman competitor Qantas to weather the current global recession and downturn in passenger travel, ABN Amro Craigs broker Chris Timms said yesterday.
Most New Zealand workers will miss out on having Anzac Day as a paid public holiday this year because it falls on a Saturday.
Otago-Southland manufacturers are suffering the worst of any in the country by a wide margin
The tax cuts delivered by the Government on April 1 are likely to be the last for a while.
Finance Minister Bill English told the Otago Daily Times yesterday that a decision on the second and third round of cuts, scheduled for April 1 next year and April 1, 2011, would be revealed in next month's budget.
Infrastructure Minister Bill English was impressed with Hillside Engineering workshops, in Dunedin, after his first visit to the site yesterday.
The Government was at the back of a long queue of global borrowers and had to compete vigorously to secure funds to help lift the economy out of recession, Finance Minister Bill English said yesterday.
The nation appears to be collectively enjoying a cheap night at home during the recession with a home-cooked meal, bottle of wine and a DVD.
Mobile termination charges increasingly stand out as the main piece of unfinished business in telecommunications policy, Telecommunications Users Association of New Zealand (TUANZ) chief executive Ernie Newman said yesterday.
The United States reporting season, which started yesterday, would set the tone for New Zealand and most of the world financial markets, ABN Amro Craigs broker Peter McIntyre said.
Slow payment by debtors can kill a business but an initiative launched in Dunedin is offering a helping hand.
Inflation figures due on Thursday will contain contrasting data but are expected to show inflation is on the wane for the rest of the year.
Massive injections of taxpayer money into the Western financial system improved market sentiment last month, Forsyth Barr broker Tony Conroy said.
An idea developed by the Dunedin City Council's economic development unit and three specialist credit management companies will get national exposure next week.