Three days to go and all's well

Delta team leader Hedley Curd stacks unwanted analogue television sets at the Green Island...
Delta team leader Hedley Curd stacks unwanted analogue television sets at the Green Island landfill this week. Photo by Gerard O'Brien.
There are only three days left until Otago goes digital.

At 2am on Sunday, analogue television sets will no longer receive a signal and viewers will need to have Freeview, Sky or Igloo. The change is taking place to free up radio spectrum in the 700MHz range for next-generation mobile telecommunications services.

The Otago region was well on schedule for the changeover and more than 93% of Otago homes had already made the change, Going Digital national manager Greg Harford said in Dunedin this week.

''It's looking pretty good down here. It's all quite exciting,'' he said.

''Some people are leaving it to the last minute, but some of them will find it difficult to get an installer. A lot of installers are already booked up.''

There was a targeted assistance package for people over 75 with a community services card, and anyone on a veterans pension or invalid benefit, Mr Harford said.

''For people who qualify, we'll send an installer out and provide a set box and either an aerial or satellite dish and then train them how to use it.''

The Going Digital information caravan will be at Countdown in Cumberland St today and the Warehouse in South Dunedin tomorrow.

There is also a free-call advice line on 0800 838 800. The West Coast and Hawkes Bay have already gone digital and will be followed by the lower North Island and the East Coast in September and the upper North Island in December.


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