Runners to fundraise for marae scheme

Food fundraiser . . . Gathering for a meal are Araiteuru Marae manager and Pātaka Ora host Tania...
Food fundraiser . . . Gathering for a meal are Araiteuru Marae manager and Pātaka Ora host Tania Williams (left) and treasurer Teodora Georgescu. PHOTO: SIMON HENDERSON

A special team taking part in Emerson’s Dunedin Marathon is raising funds for Araiteuru Marae’s Pātaka Ora community meal initiative.

Pātaka Ora treasurer Teodora Georgescu said about 15 people would take part in running or walking the different marathon categories, including the full, half, 10km and 5km events.

The group is raising funds to help offset the costs of power and gas for the community meals, as well as to buy food items, kitchen equipment and cleaning items.

Araiteuru Marae manager Tania Williams said the Pātaka Ora community meal began about three years ago.

The idea developed from weekly wānanga (education) sessions that took place at the marae in the period after the Covid pandemic.

‘‘Just giving people an opportunity to learn different skills.’’

One of the classes was a fermenting kitchen, and she thought it could be a good idea to run a type of soup kitchen at the marae, Ms Williams said.

From that beginning, the volunteer-run community meals have grown to be a popular event which takes place each week on Mondays, alternating between lunch and dinner times.

Between 80 and 150 people participate in the community gatherings for a meal, song and conversation.

Food is donated by individuals as well as by food rescue social venture KiwiHarvest.

Volunteers help serve the food to those gathering in a cheerful and friendly manner.

Ms Williams said the event was all about life enhancement.

‘‘That’s the whole essence of this. Life enhancement is really important, not only for the people that come along, but for everybody that is participating.’’

‘‘We are all such busy people that we want to be involved in things that we are going to be getting value in our lives from as well.’’

Anyone and everyone was welcome to take part in the community meals, she said.

‘‘It doesn’t matter who you are.

‘‘We are trying to capture all sectors of our community, so that we can be woven into this one space where we all sit down for one hour a week, share food and see that we fart the same, we smile the same.’’


To give, visit and search for Pātaka Ora.