Prefects offer encouragement and support

Otago Girls’ sports prefects enjoyed playing a code-swap netball game against King’s prefects....
Otago Girls’ sports prefects enjoyed playing a code-swap netball game against King’s prefects. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
Sports prefects and leaders play a key role in promoting sport at schools. The Otago Secondary Schools Sports Association highlights some of them.


Lisa Lokman and Lily Moors

Both sports prefects have assisted in running major events at Otago Girls’. They both agree that their highlights for the year have been the school sports day and their ongoing prefect netball games against John McGlashan, Otago Boys’ and King’s.

Lisa and Lily took the lead role in organising a sports fun day for years 5-8 girls, organising and applying for funding to run a sports talk for athletes around Otago schools and helping the fundraising committee to run a quiz night for Te Kāhui Hākinakina (OGHS Sports Council).

They have had an amazing experience being sports leaders within the school, having the opportunity to work with a wide range of people with many backgrounds. It has been eye-opening to see the influence they can have on younger students and fun being able to lead in so many ways, such as organising events to speaking in assemblies. Being entrusted with this leadership role has boosted their confidence and skills as well as fostered a legacy of growth and development.


Kyra Fowler

My highlight was seeing ex-Dunstan students win Olympic medals, which is an amazing achievement. It shows great success with sports here at Dunstan.

Being a sports leader has really boosted my confidence by doing things like talking in assemblies. It has also been great to encourage others and see new people get involved with sports and sports activities.

Mayce Williams

My highlight was seeing all our rowing students achieve a high level of excellence, winning some top Maadi and national medals.

My time as sports leader started halfway through the year, and stepping into the role was a challenging but rewarding experience. I got to develop my leadership skills and gain experience of working with a team of people. Sports leader meant that I could have a chance to help make sports at Dunstan an enjoyable and worthwhile experience for everyone involved.

East Otago sports prefect Paige Walker
East Otago sports prefect Paige Walker

Paige Walker

My highlight so far would be going to the annual ski camp my school provides every year for the year 12s and 13s. I enjoyed learning how to snowboard and try out new ways to succeed.

As a sports prefect, I have been in our school gym making sure everything goes well and everyone gets a chance to play whatever they would like to do. I also put myself in the coaching aspects with touch and netball with the 7/8 students. I believe that my legacy as one of the leaders in my school has given a better outlook with the younger students with their attitude and sportsmanship.

Bayfield sports leaders (from left) Georgie McEwan, Hannah Pickett, Liam Elder and Lily Calder.
Bayfield sports leaders (from left) Georgie McEwan, Hannah Pickett, Liam Elder and Lily Calder.

Lily Calder, Liam Elder, Georgie McEwan, Hannah Pickett


Lily: Winning our volleyball final against Villa Maria. With three other teams supporting us, the energy was unmatched by anything else I have experienced throughout the year.

Liam: Going to NZSS for futsal in Wellington.

Georgie: Going to futsal nationals.

Hannah: Winning the volleyball satellite tournament in 2023 and 2024.

Being a sports leader

Lily: It has helped me to connect with so many people, from students that I already knew to ones that I hadn’t spoken to before. Realising what an amazing community of people we have has not only helped me to feel connected, but it’s also made me feel more comfortable with trying new things. Whether it was speaking on stage in front of my entire Bayfield cohort or trying my hand at a sport I didn’t even know existed, being a prefect has given me the opportunity to experience so many different things that I would’ve never done had I not been given the role in the first place.

Liam: It means inspiring and guiding others, setting an example and fostering a healthy relationship with sport and physical activity. It’s about building and creating a supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

Georgie: Being a sports leader is about encouraging participation and ensuring every student gets the opportunity to enjoy sport. As sports prefects, we have been able to work together as a team to create an environment where everyone feels welcome regardless of their experience.

Hannah: It gives me the opportunity to create opportunities for others to take part and grow. It’s about encouraging team-mates to try new sports, join different activities and explore their potential. By being a sports leader who values inclusion and opportunity, I aim to inspire others to step up, try new things and discover their passions.


Holly Rowcroft

There have been many highlights such as rugby and hockey teams winning competition finals, and we’ve had quad tournaments and tournament week. We have physical movement sessions every week open for all students who want to join and have some fun while getting in exercise. We have also organised the staff v students games of multisport and dodgeball at lunchtime, and created a sports equipment donation bin with Sport Otago to give to the wider community.

Being a sports leader has allowed me to learn so many new skills and tools to help me in my future. The best thing about this role has been seeing our initiatives/activities be put into action and the difference it makes to benefit the students at Hilda’s.

This role has allowed me to meet so many new people and help to make connections between all of the year groups, as well as helping the wider community.

Ruby Flannery

All our sports have been training hard and getting great results, especially our hockey and rugby teams, who had amazing competitions and ended up winning in the final. Weekly movements have been a great way to get everyone moving and involved.

Holly and I set up many different games, such as multisport, dodgeball, benchball and volleyball, and we did a version of the mini-Olympics. We hope that all the girls have enjoyed our weekly movements as much as Holly and I have.

It has been a great privilege to be sports prefect as I have made the opportunity for everyone to get involved in a sporting contest, playing games with their friends but also with other year groups with a little bit of friendly competition. I love to see the girls that were too scared to join in at the start of the year, who were watching on the sidelines to now joining in and getting amongst the game.