Sporting organisations around Otago are looking within, applying for the wage subsidy and changing to suit the landscape in which they have found themselves.
As Easter comes round, most winter sports would have been either looking to get under way or have already started, while summer codes would have been winding down.
But Covid-19 has completely thrown that scenario out the window, as no coaching or playing can take place and teams cannot come together.
Otago Rugby Football Union (ORFU) general manager Richard Kinley said his organisation had applied for the wage subsidy and normal hours were being worked by staff, although that was under consultation.
"The situation continues to change day by day, and while we know that Covid-19 has already had a financial impact short term, we are working closely with NZR, our funders and commercial partners to more fully understand the financial implications in the medium to long term," he said.
Sport Otago had also applied for the wage subsidy scheme and chief executive John Brimble said that allowed staff to maintain hours through until the end of June. It was also working to get plans together to help sport get back on its feet.
Football South chief executive Chris Wright said the organisation had applied for the wage subsidy, which he was grateful for, as Covid-19 had hit during the "slow" business window of the financial year.
No changes had been made to staff and all were working from home.
"We have plans in place for a variety of scenarios depending on how long the lockdown progresses," Wright said.
The Highlanders have already said their staff, not including players and some coaches, had taken a 30% pay cut. They had joined the wage subsidy scheme and Ministry of Social Development figures, obtained from the Ministry’s website, showed it had been paid $126,532.80 for 18 employees.
Otago Cricket had applied for the wage subsidy and received $102,614 for 15 employees.
Netball South had received $161,680.80 for 23 employees and had also reduced salaries.
The ORFU had received $267,124.80 from the wage subsidy for 38 employees. North Otago Rugby Football Union had received $28,118.40 for four employees, while Sport Otago’s wage subsidy for 25 employees had totalled $175,740. The wage subsidy figure for Football South was not available.
ORFU figures include payments to players.