Croquet club clean sweep

All four members of this year's South Canterbury representative croquet team come from the same Oamaru club, something the Awamoa Croquet Club believes is rare.

Brian Monckton, Ethel Johnston, Tom Weir and Simon Gannon were selected from players at nine other clubs in South Canterbury to represent the province against five other teams in the South Island interprovincial event in Timaru this weekend.

The team for the interprovincial event is usually made up of the champions from the South Canterbury championship, and Monckton is representing the A grade and Johnston the intermediate.

A Canadian exchange student at Waitaki Boys High School, Simon Gannon, won the C grade, but his handicap has come down so he was selected to fill a B grade slot. Weir, C grade runner-up at the South Canterbury championships, gained a C grade slot.


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