The now defunct club won the event only twice.
When the race was first held in 1907 the individual title (J F Frew) and the teams event were won by the Caversham club that has been the most dominant in the event.
A reminder of the Dunedin club's first win emerged this week when retired Dunedin harrier Keith Johnstone discovered a team photo at the bottom of a drawer.
Johnstone started running seriously in 1965, when he joined the Mornington club, and raced his first Edmond Cup that year.
It was also the year he discovered the old photo.
"I was in a second-hand shop in South Dunedin and saw three pictures," Johnstone said.
"At that time I wasn't interested in the pictures. I wanted the frames."
But because of his new interest in running, Johnstone took the photos out of the frames and kept them in a drawer.
He was recently rummaging through a drawer at his home in Glenleith when he found the pictures again.
"It dawned on me that this was one of the early times when the race had been run," Johnstone said.
"I found that I had a hidden treasure that had been sitting in my drawer unnoticed for 43 years."
Johnstone intends to give the photo to Athletics Otago after Saturday's Edmond Cup race at Wingatui, for display in the clubrooms at the Caledonian Ground.
The Dunedin club also won the Edmond Cup teams race in 1914, when M Mickelson became the only club runner to win the individual title.
There is no record of the Dunedin club after this. It probably disbanded during World War 1.
First names were not used when the photograph of the winning Dunedin Edmond Cup team was taken 100 years ago and the text of the photograph only contains the initials and surname of the runners.
The winning Dunedin team was: W McInnes, D Thompson, L West, T Hodgson, F Mace (captain), D Hodgson, D Melville, A Turnbull, W Ross, H Crawford.