Rates increase less than planned

Environment Southland rates will sit at almost half their earlier predicted level, this coming year.

Last Wednesday the council adopted its 2024-2034 long-term plan.

The average annual total rates increase has decreased from the initial proposed 23% to 12.6%. This means for a $450,000 property the impact will be an increase of $34 per annum, or 67c a week.

Environment Southland (ES) chairman Nicol Horrell said the plan addressed the current and future challenges Southland faced as a community — including a strong focus on resilience and responding to a changing climate.

"We want to position Southland as well as we can to weather, and recover quickly from the inevitable floods that will come our way.

"Planning and delivering long-term flood resilience was a core part of the regional council’s work to help keep communities as safe as possible ahead of time, but how to pay for that was the question.

"We understand the ongoing challenges our communities are facing and have responded to the community’s voice," Mr Horrell said.

Key decisions include:

• The funding of the flood protection operating expenditure with $2.34million of lease area reserves to reduce the impact on rates over four years.

• A two-year transition to a capital value rating system, and further consultation during 2024-2025 on whether there is a local rate or regional rate to fund river management programmes.

• The use of $1.38m over four years from biosecurity and land sustainability surpluses to fund ongoing work programmes and offset rates.

• The flood protection capital works programme from 2027-28 onwards is indicative, and will only progress subject to detailed planning being undertaken, government funding being available and further consultation with the community.

The council is now moving on to consult on its representation review, to decide on its makeup ahead of the 2025 local body elections.

The initial proposal considers the sizes of the constituencies, their boundaries and names and the number of councillors representing the communities in these constituencies.

ES chief executive Wilma Falconer said the proposal recommended largely retaining the existing arrangements, of 12 councillors representing six constituencies, but includes minor changes to some constituency boundaries.

Feedback on the proposal closes 5pm, August 19.
