‘Adults only’ hour at pool a thank you to patrons

The local pool is trying out giving adults some peace and quiet to get their laps in, child-free.

The Gore Aquatic Centre is trialling a new "adult-only" hour from 7pm-8pm on weekdays.

Donna Burr, in charge of pool operations, said the centre was "quite busy" from 3.30pm until just before 7pm with swimming lessons and aqua aerobics — of which she was glad.

However, Ms Burr said she wanted to provide an alternative for those who preferred a calmer environment to swim laps.

"Some customers prefer peace and quiet ... because their lives could be noisy outside of work," she said.

The operations manager also said the extra hour was a way to "pay back" regulars for the facility’s reduced hours over the holiday period, due to staff being on medical leave.

Swim coach Meagan McCabe said the hour was to attract those coming after work.

"We’ve got a lot of adult lane swimmers that are struggling to get here before seven," she said.

Ms Burr said she was passionate about her job and often spent time outside of work thinking of ways to get the community swimming, to improve their overall hauora.

Coming into winter the pool is the place to be, she said.

"If they don’t want to sit at home by the fire and eat shocking stuff, they can come for a swim and a soak," Ms Burr said.

As well as doing laps, the centre has a hot pool for warming up cold bones for the closely approaching winter months.

"It’s good for your muscles after you’ve done a swim to get in the warm, and then get in the cold again, to get rid of that lactic acid build up," she explained.

"If you’ve gone fast enough and hard enough, yeah."
