Contact Energy's fast-track proposal for the 55-turbine Slopedown wind farm was shot down by an independent consenting panel in a decision released today.
Contact had predicted the project near Wyndham would create up to 240 new jobs during construction and power 150,000 homes when operational.
In its decision the panel said it was not satisfied adverse effects on significant indigenous vegetation and the habitats of indigenous species could be properly mitigated.
Contact Energy head of wind and solar Matthew Cleland said it was ‘‘extremely disappointed’’ at the decision.
‘‘The Southland Wind Farm is an important project to support energy security of supply for all New Zealanders – whether it be in their homes, or for the industries that support the economy and the communities in which we operate.
‘‘The growth in demand for electricity, as New Zealand moves away from relying on fossil fuels, means that projects like this will be critical.
‘‘Last year, we made a commitment to be net carbon zero in our generation by 2035, and the Southland Wind Farm has been carefully selected as another important step in achieving that.’’
Mr Cleland said the panel’s decision could be appealed to the High Court within 15 working days on points of law only.
‘‘As such, we are going to take some time to fully understand the reasons behind the expert consenting panel’s decision to decline consent and assess what option to take next.’’
The panel acknowledged the project would urgently promote employment and support the certainty of ongoing investment across New Zealand.
However, the environmental effects were such the project would not promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.
This meant it did not achieve the purpose of the Fast-Track Consenting Act.
Among the main reasons for declining the proposal were the effects it would have on birds, bats, lizards and invertebrates and the effect it would have on the natural landscape and features, natural character and visual amenity. - APL