People: 105th Winton A&P Show

Pam Jones, Adrienne Maguire and Barry Maguire, all of Invercargill.
Pam Jones, Adrienne Maguire and Barry Maguire, all of Invercargill.
Kate and David Laing, of Scotland.
Kate and David Laing, of Scotland.
William and Rosemary Goodwin, both of Invercargill.
William and Rosemary Goodwin, both of Invercargill.
Zia Williams (8), George Williams (6), Steph Kennedy, Jessie Shepherd (1) and Jenna Shepherd, all...
Zia Williams (8), George Williams (6), Steph Kennedy, Jessie Shepherd (1) and Jenna Shepherd, all of Winton.

At the 105th Winton A&P Show, Winton racecourse, Saturday, January 19

Photos: Ben Waterworth

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