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Family Ties Educare pupil Faith Brooking-Marsh (4). Photo: Christine O'Connor

Tokomairiro Early Learning Centre pupil Kaitoa Tahana (4). Photo: Christine O'Connor

Dunedin Hospital Early Childhood Centre pupils (from left) Shelby Fraser, Catherine Christie and Ivy Thomas (all 4). Photo: Christine O'Connor

Members of Ka Puanani o Te Reo on stage. Photo: Peter McIntosh

Green Island School pupils perform a haka. Photo: Peter McIntosh

George Street Normal School pupils perform a haka during the 2017 Otago Polyfest (Otago Early Childhood and Schools' Maori and Pacific Island Festival) at the Edgar Centre yesterday. Photo: Peter McIntosh

Balaclava School pupils perform a haka. Photo: Peter McIntosh

Bathgate School pupils perform. Photo: Peter McIntosh

Children from schools around Otago gather at the Edgar Centre for the 2017 Polyfest.
Photos by Christine O'Connor; prints available from