First time playing in fluffy stuff

You can forgive a 3-year-old for getting a little overexcited experiencing snow for the first time.

Because that is exactly what happened to Diesel the three-year-old Siberian Husky cross at the Snow Farm near Wanaka yesterday.

Not that his owner and musher Alice Perry, of Dunedin, seemed to mind too much.

In a totally new environment, it was fair to say Diesel was not completely  focused on finishing in the fastest time, she said.

"He seemed to struggle a little bit on the snow — too many new smells and too much snow to play with on the trails, but yeah, I’ve got him for the love of it rather than winning it."

"He’s kind of figuring out what all this white stuff is but he had a ball. He loves running. He just needs to learn how to pull on snow."

Sledding through snow and near white-out conditions is Aimee  Stoeckel,  of  Australia, and her...
Sledding through snow and near white-out conditions is Aimee Stoeckel, of Australia, and her sled dogs during the Wanaka Sled Dog Festival at the Snow Farm yesterday. Photos: Garrick Cameron/Tim Miller.
Ms Perry was one of  32 mushers taking part  in the Wanaka Sled Dog Festival at the Snow Farm, with about 120 dogs doing the pulling.

The three-day event is the only sled dog event in New Zealand and Australia held on snow.

Normally racing is done on dryland in forests where wheeled rigs and scooters are used.

Owning a husky was always on the list of things-to-do, Ms Perry said.

"I always wanted a husky, so I started to dryland sled in the North Island and I did that for a year. Then, when I moved down here, I brought my dogs with me."

For the humans, sled dog racing was about enjoying the time alone with their  dogs.

Alice Perry and Diesel take a well-earned rest after completing a circuit at the festival ...
Alice Perry and Diesel take a well-earned rest after completing a circuit at the festival yesterday morning. With it being Diesel’s first time pulling a sled on snow he found the new smells and textures more exciting than trying to run as fast as possible, Ms Perry says.
"We laugh the whole way around and seeing him have fun is the attraction. It’s also good fitness and there’s a bit of madness to being pulled along on skis without any brakes.

"There’s a lot of faith and a lot of hope involved too," Ms Perry said with a laugh.

Wanaka Sled Dog Festival co-ordinator Sarah Campbell said overnight snow on Thursday made the trails interesting but fun yesterday. Racing dogs on snow once a year was  something all those involved in sled dog racing looked forward to, Mrs Campbell said.

"It’s a real experience. You come up here, it’s the one chance you [get] to be on the snow and get a change from running on dry land, so it’s a really neat experience and we’re really lucky to have this venue in our backyard."

Most people got into sled racing through owning a traditional Arctic dog like a husky, but any dog that liked to pull was able to sled, she said.

"We’ve got traditional huskies and Alaskan huskies, as well as Border collies , pointers and just your traditional household pets."

Mrs Campbell got into the sport after needing to find an outlet for her over-energetic Siberian husky. She now owns nine.

"It’s a great way to get you through those winter months."

The festival finishes today.

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