Bylaw allows businesses to trade on Easter Sunday

A view of the Peninsula Bay subdivision looking back towards the Wanaka township. PHOTO: ARCHIVE
The Wanaka township. PHOTO: ARCHIVE
Visitors, locals and business owners can roll on this Easter, as the Queenstown Lakes District Council has adopted a policy that permits all shops in the district to open on Easter Sunday.

The Easter Sunday Shop Trading Policy 2025 was approved by councillors and is in effect for this coming Easter.

The 2025 policy is a continuation of the district’s now-expired 2017 policy which had the same provision.

The new policy was made to recognise the need for retail and tourism businesses to have the choice of whether to open on Easter Sunday if they wished to.

It applied a consistent approach to Easter Sunday trading.

Easter Sunday is a restricted trading day under the Shop Trading Hours Act 1990 which requires most shops to remain closed, except under certain conditions.

These include dairies, cafes, service stations, garden centres, pharmacies, souvenir and duty-free shops.

In 2016, amendments to the Act enabled councils to adopt policies to permit all shops to open on Easter Sunday in the whole or a part of their district.

This provision is only applicable to Easter Sunday and does not include Good Friday or Easter Monday.

The new policy does not apply to the sale or supply of alcohol.

Alcohol sale and supply is regulated under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.

Employees have the right to choose not to work on Easter Sunday.

The Shop Trading Hours Act 1990 lists responsibilities for both employers and employees for Easter Sunday.