Emma Martin, the only female shearer to make a final in the intermediate grade or higher, finished a quarter of a point behind Cody Waihape, of Mataura.
The shearing and woolhandling event was held at the Gore A&P Showgrounds on Friday and Saturday.
She was surprised to finish second given the trouble one of the sheep gave her, she said.
"The hindsight looking back tells me that kicking sheep could have lost me my first place."
She was in her third season of shearing after initially starting out as a woolhandler.
Earlier in the day she also won the women’s event.
She and Mr Waihape had had some good tussles during the season so far, she said. When she won a competition, Mr Waihape was usually second and vice versa.
"He’s keeping me on my toes and I would like to think I’m keeping him somewhat on his."
She had about seven wins in her first season in the intermediate level and would compete in the senior next season.
The open was won by Leon Samuels, of Invercargill, the senior by Nathan Bee, of Wyndham, and the junior by Grace Schoft, of Australia.
In the woolhandling Pagan Rimene, of Alexandra, won the open, Saskia Tuhakaraina, of Gore, the senior and Lucy Elers, of Mataura, the junior.
Shears committee chairman Willie Hewitson said there were very good entries for the shearing competition.