Smallest star symbolised with planting

Celebrating the planting of a kahikatea yesterday to mark Matariki in the Tapanui playground are Jaki Eales (back second from left) and KidzWay Early Learning Centre Trust chairwoman Robbie Finlayson and some of the learning centre’s pupils, all of Tapanui.

Poumāhaka Kahui Ako members are taking it in turns to choose a tree, representing one of the nine stars in the Matariki — or Pleiades constellation — to plant for the new year celebration.

Members also chose green for the colour of the seat placed near the tree.

Mrs Finlayson said it seemed appropriate the centre chose Hiwa-i-te-Rangi, the smallest star in the constellation.

The star "symbolises the aspirations and dreams we have for the future of our tamariki and for us all".

About 60 community members attended the event.

By Sandy Eggleston

