Sex offender fined over chainsaw theft

A convicted sex offender who tried to dodge a conviction for stealing a chainsaw has been told by a judge it was the least of his problems.

Anthony John Kennedy Hishon (57) was charged with the May 19 theft at Gore as well as unlawful possession of a firearm two months later when police went to his house to search for the item.

He appeared in the Invercargill District Court for sentencing yesterday.

Hishon went to the Gore Outdoor Power Ltd to buy a vacuum cleaner on May 19, the court heard.

He paid for the vacuum cleaner and took it out to his car then returned and took the chainsaw from the shop counter.

Hishon’s lawyer Roger Eagles said his client initially thought the chainsaw was part of the vacuum cleaner when he took it.

The defendant applied for a discharge without conviction on the basis a dishonesty conviction would impact his business.

Judge Catorina Doyle said while the taking of the chainsaw may have initially been an error and there was no pre-meditation in taking it, the fact Hishon had done nothing to return it or pay for it showed criminal intent.

She said if Hishon had to disclose previous convictions then the nine charges of indecent assault and rape he had been convicted of and served prison time for, were far more serious matters.

‘‘The dishonesty conviction is going to be the least of your problems,’’ she said.

Hishon was fined $500 and ordered to pay reparation of $251.88 to Gore Outdoor Power Ltd, and court costs of $130.

Judge Doyle ordered destruction of the firearm and ammunition.

