Last night, independent commissioners released their decision on a proposal from the Gore District Council to build a cable stay pedestrian and cycle bridge over the river.
The bridge would also act as a support structure for the wider Gore Water Treatment Plant Upgrade project, which requires the pipeline infrastructure to cross the river.
The commissioners approved the proposal, finding that while a range of options had been considered, none was better than the proposed project.
But, they noted, it was a difficult decision.
On the one hand, there were clearly some significant visual effects associated with the bridge on a small number of properties in the Huron St area which were unable to be mitigated.
"On the other hand, there are significant benefits to the broader Gore community in terms of an improved and upgraded water supply and an enhanced walkway and cycleway network.
"In the end, we have reached a conclusion that the wider benefits outweigh the effects on those residential properties concerned.’’
In a statement last night, the council welcomed the decision, saying it was positive for Gore.