Gore pool attack: Lifeguard 'felt she was going to die'

A man who attacked a lifeguard at a pool in Gore said "I really wanted to kill you" after he released her from being held underwater.

Gore man McGregor Tume appeared before Judge Bernadette Farnan in the Gore District Court yesterday and pleaded guilty to charges of threatening to kill, impeding breathing, behaving threateningly and injuring with intent to injure.

A police summary of facts said the 44-year-old was swimming at the Gore Aquatic Centre on April 18 in a lane which had been booked.

The victim, who worked as a lifeguard, made multiple attempts to get Tume’s attention to shift into another lane.

After these unsuccessful attempts, she touched Tume’s head to gain his attention.

He then climbed out of the pool and then aggressively confronted the lifeguard before grabbing her and tackling her to the ground.

Tume then dragged her into the leisure pool and submerged her head under the water for approximately seven seconds using his weight to press her down.

As the victim was surprised by the attack she did not have time to hold her breath.

‘‘At this point the victim felt that she was going to die,’’ the summary said.

After bystanders shouted at Tume he lifted her out of the water.

He then said ‘‘you should be glad I let you up because I really wanted to kill you.’’

Judge Farnan said she would recommend a restorative justice programme be explored for the case.

The judge also recommended a cultural report be completed.

Tume was remanded on bail near Oamaru for sentencing on August 18.

- Staff reporter

