Gore High School held its prizegiving recently.
The prize list is:
Year 9
Maddie Baillie (9R English, 1st equal graphics term 3 & 4); Campbell Baird (diligence); Lily Clague (9G mathematics, 1st equal technology food, term 3 & 4, overall year 9 mathematics, 1st equal overall year 9 science); Raine Collins (U14 boys' athletics, Maori, year 9 Foundation Scholarship); Jacklyn Copland (9E health & physical education); Morgan Cowan (diligence, most improved trapshooter); Morgan Craig (diligence); McKenzie Crowe (French term 1 & 2, 9R science, 9R social studies); Stone Dodds (U14 most improved rugby player); Brenna Edmonds (diligence); Taris Gilder (diligence); Tineachsa Gutschlag (9O science, 9O social studies); Tommy Hasselman (music appreciation, diligence) Adrian Haywood (9R mathematics); Josh Highsted (music, 9G social studies); Elliot Hogg (most valuable boys' cricketer); Taine Horrell (art term 1 & 2, U14 most valuable rugby player); Brianna Kaio (diligence, 1st equal technology food term 3 & 4); Courtney Leith (agriculture, graphics term 1 & 2, 9G health & physical educatioon); Kelsey McFadzien (art term 3 & 4, 9E mathematics, technology fabric term 1 & 2); Gina Mouat (9E science); Caitlin Potter (1st equal graphics term 3 & 4, diligence, technology fabric term 3 & 4, 1st equal technology food term 3 & 4); Jenna Potter (most valuable girls' cricketer); Hope Rae (9A netball team most promising player, French term 3 & 4, diligence); Liam Rae (technology wood term 3 & 4), Ben Reid (1st in form overall 9R, 9R health & physical education, technology metal term 1 & 2); Kaitlyn Robson (1st in form overall 9O, drama, 9O English, 9O health & physical education, 9O mathematics); Jordan Shearing (technology metal term 3 & 4, 1st equal technology wood term 1 & 2); Jhardyn Stewart (U14 most promising rugby player); Louisa Wallace (diligence); Hope Williams (1st in form overall 9G, 9G English, 9G science, 1st equal technology wood term 1 & 2, overall year 9 English, 1st equal overall year 9 science); Alice Wyatt (1st in form overall 9E, 9E English, 9E social studies, technology food term 1 & 2); Ricky Young (diligence).
Year 10
Ahmad Alani (10H mathematics, 1st equal 10H science, junior boys' swimming, junior instrumentalist, overall year 10 mathematics, overall year 10 science); Anna-Maree Allan (diligence); Mark Anderson (1st equal technology wood); James Baird (1st equal agriculture, 1st equal technology metal); Rongomai Bates (1st equal Maori); Tu Tangata Bates (diligence); Nick Cain (1st in form overall 10S, 10S English, 10S health & physical education, 1st equal 10S mathematics, 10S social studies); Reuben Caughey (10E health & physical education); Shania Cleland (graphics); Emma Cormack (junior girls' swimming); Emma Craig (1st in form overall 10O, 10O English, 10O social studies); Lucas Cross (10O mathematics, 10O science); Walter Cross (1st equal technology wood); Aimee de Klerk (art); Teigan Gilmour (diligence); Rebecca Gollan (junior girls' cross-country, U14 girls' athletics); Danielle Harris (10N mathematics, quiet achiever award); Ben Highsted (1st equal 10S mathematics, 10S science); Adam Hillis (10N health & physical education, year 10 Foundation Scholarship); Samantha Johnstone (1st in form overall 10N, 1st equal technology food, 10N English, 10N science, 10N social studies); Alex Jones (most promising boys' soccer player); Gypsy Kapea-Hoani (1st equal Maori); Sam Keighley (1st in form overall 10E, 1st equal technology, fabric, 10E English, 10E mathematics, 10E science, 10E social studies); Jack Kingsbury (U15 most improved rugby player); Lachlan MacKenzie (1st equal technology metal); Andrew McDonald (diligence and application); Larissa McDonald (contribution to netball); Keely McGuigan (diligence); Taine McKay (1st equal agriculture); Sarah Miller (10O health & physical education); Krystal Ritchie (1st in form overall 10H, 1st equal 10H science); Matthew Robinson (U15 junior boys' athletic jumping cup); Olivia Samson (drama trophy); Daniel Shaw (diligence); Lydia Shirley (1st equal technology fabric, 1st equal technology food, health & physical education, most valuable girls' hockey player, U15 girls' athletics); Caitlyn Smith (1st in form overall 10T, 10T English, 10T French, 10T health & physical education, 10T mathematics, 10T science, 10T social studies); Josie Smith (music); Katrina Smith (10H English, 10H social studies, overall year 10 English); Will Sutherland (junior boys' cross-country, junior all round sportsperson); Keziah Taeiloa-McCornick (10A netball team most promising player, drama); Emma Taylor (diligence, Allan Boyer Borland prize); Rachelle Voigt (diligence); Devyn Wills (diligence, junior girl who best epitomises ''no reward without effort'', award for 2013 magazine cover design); Taine Wilson (U16 rugby most improved player).
Year 11
Kim Allan (senior girls' tennis); Krystee Barclay (senior girls' swimming, diligence); Emily Black (history); Nick Bos (diligence); Ryan Carter (technology wood); Sam Choie (economics); Brayden Clifford (technology metal); Breeze Collins (te reo, contribution kapa haka); Braden Falconer (agriculture year 11 prize); Eilish Fallowfield (girls' best cricketer of year); Laura Gardyne (U16 intermediate girls' cross-country, 1st equal physical education, science, geography, English 101, agriculture, service to netball); Keri Giles (1st equal technology fabric, mathematics); Tasma Hall (1st equal home science); Nicole Hook (1st equal technology fabric, 1st equal digital media); Madeleine Hunt (most improved senior netballer); Amy Johnstone (U16 girls' intermediate athletics); Peter Kelso (trophy for excellence in craftsmanship in woodwork); Nicole Kennedy (1st equal home science); Kate Mackay (music); Georgia MacKay-Holz (most promising female rugby player); Sam McCall (best achiever year 11 rugby, U16 intermediate boys' cross-country); Haidee McRae (sports award for a person with a disability); Ben Mwangi (1st equal accounting); Jessica Popham (diligence); Hannah Potter (diligence); Taryn Ramage (alternative science); India Reid (1st equal digital media); Willow Reid (art, French); Rachel Stanton (mathematics with statistics); Caleb Stevenson (1st equal English 102); Evelyn Sutherland (drama); James Tan (1st equal accounting); Georgia Turnbull (1st equal English 102); Lisa Waddell (diligence), Hamish Watson (U16 boys' athletics, 1st equal physical education, year 11 Foundation Scholarship); Holly White (graphics); Julie-Anne Williams (diligence); Tom Wood (U15 most valuable rugby player).
Year 12
Laura Bolger (chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, English 201, year 12 excellence across the sciences); Bradley Catto (senior boys' swimming); Sophie Collins-McKenzie (most promising girls' soccer player, 1st equal tourism, hospitality and service industry); Hannah Cooke (1st equal senior girls' athletics, diligence, Kate Wayte (best-all round girl); Jonny Cox (technology wood); Jordan Edwards (music, excellence in guitar); Wesley Gray (1st equal technology metal); Tyler Haslemore (boys' best cricketer of year); Aleisha Hattrill (accounting); Justin Hellier (gateway); Leisa Johnston (technology food); Wiremu Karena-Tutapu (te reo); Aaron Livesey (diligence, year 12 Foundation Scholarship); Sutton Lowry (diligence); Thomas Luoni (diligence); Corina MacKenzie (digital technology, graphics); Tabitha Marr (economics); Tammie McCandless (French); Jessica McIntyre (1st equal history); April Miller (diligence); David Mwangi (senior boys' cross-country); Bradley Nicol (1st equal tourism); Maddie O'Brien (drama, prize for dramatic work, Thomas MacDonald Memorial scholarship); Braden Oliver (most improved boys' basketballer); Sasha Ritchie (girls' soccer player of year, senior girls' cross-country, technology fabric); Connor Ross (award for practical craft); Alex Russell (English 202); Laura Smith (geography); Jayde Ward (adventure programme experience); Samantha Weily (leadership in the outdoors award); Olivia Wilden (physical education); Peter Williams (most improved player 1st XV, art, 1st equal history); Kyle Wills (1st equal technology metal); Maxine Wilson (diligence); Loretta Wood (mathematics with statistics, agriculture); Katie Zijlstra (diligence).
Year 13
Jess Agate (diligence); Taylor Allan (senior boys' tennis, senior boys' athletics, 1st equal technology metal, best all-round sportsman); Ellery Clague (hostel head boy); Leigh Clutterbuck Young (1st equal geography); Erica Cross (commitment and dedication girls' rugby); Vaughan Cowan (J A C Macartney memorial scholarship); Eleanor Davie (graphics); Georgia Evans (art, digital technology, classics prize); Sarah Falconer (agriculture); Laura Gilkison (English prize); Jade Graham (1st equal senior girls' athletics, diligence); Olivia Grant (service girls' hockey, technology fabric); Quinton Guise (excellence white-water kayaking); Jordan Highsted (1st equal economics, music, prize for performance in music); Karli Holland (Girls' 1st XI hockey best & fairest); Julie Humphries (diligence, hostel head girl); Rachael Kelso (tourism, head girl); Ashleigh Kirk (te reo, ex-pupils' jubilee bursary); Letitia Kirk (diligence); Rebecca Lamb (contribution school netball); Dion McGuigan (gateway); Brandon McMurdo (mathematics with calculus); Kateleen McWhirter (hospitality and service industry, contribution dance, Margaret Logan Gore High School Foundation year 13 scholarship); Laura Miller (history, 1st equal geography, deputy head girl, proxime accessit); Dirk Morrison (best player in the 1st XV, deputy head boy); Laura Moyles (1st equal physical education); Leah Osborne (contribution girls' basketball, Gore Operatic Society prize); Carlie Paterson (public speaking trophy, personal integrity prize); Sean Pay (senior boys' athletics field events, 1st equal contribution boys' basketball, 1st equal physical education); Logan Ramsay (technology wood); Zed Robertson (1st equal technology metal); Bevan Ross (markmanship trophy); Tyla Routhan (most improved girls' basketballer); Michaela Roy (senior instrumentalist trophy, trophy for contribution to community); Blake Shirley (biology, physics, chemistry prize, 1st equal geography, head boy, dux); Rebekah Tripp (drama, contribution to the performing arts); Ben Turnbull (1st equal economics, mathematics with statistics, accounting, adventure leadership programme, excellence in and out of classroom); Scott Watson (1st equal contribution boys' basketball, excellence physical geography); Shanise Winship (diligence).