Fire lighter in breach

The person who lit a rubbish fire in Invercargill which spread to a neighbouring car wrecker's yard could face prosecution for breaching city air quality rules.

Fanned by strong winds, the fire left unattended in a 44-gallon drum on an industrial property in Otepuni Ave spread quickly on Tuesday evening, destroying a late-model greenwaste collection truck and hundreds of complete cars and car bodies being stored for export.

Vast plumes of dark grey smoke spread over eastern Invercargill.

It took 30 firefighters using five appliances six hours to extinguish the blaze.

The Southland regional air quality plan prohibited fires being lit on industrial land and the council could prosecute, Environment Southland compliance officer Christian Gunter said yesterday.

Tyres also burned, which was prohibited.

The council's compliance team, and possibly its pollution prevention team, would investigate the fire, Mr Gunter said.

A police investigation into the fire is also under way.

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