Aim to create an 'amazing' support group

Dairy Women's Network (DWN) South Otago convener Lynne Johnston has taken on her new role of convener with hopes of increasing her knowledge about the industry.

Mrs Johnston has been dairy farming for 12 years with 11 of those years spent in northern Southland.

Last year, in June, Mrs Johnston and her family moved to their current farm in Clarendon, south of Lake Waihola.

She took on the role of DWN South Otago convener in October last year, when the South Otago group was established.

''They didn't have one [a convener] for Otago and at the last meeting I went to I said I would be happy to help out,'' she said.

''I saw it as a good opportunity to meet new people in the area and also to get an amazing supportive group out there for the dairy women who now play a large role in dairy farming business.''

The South Otago DWN group has members in Balclutha, Clinton and the Clydevale area and Mrs Johnston hopes to have more women join from Milton, Waihola and the Taieri area.

Mrs Johnston said she had been involved with DWN for six years before putting her hand up for the South Otago convener role.

''I started going to the coffee chat ups when we moved to Riversdale.

''I found it a good way to meet new people and also to learn new things, especially when you are in a new area.''

Mrs Johnston had high hopes for what she could do in her convener role.

''I hope to extend my knowledge in dairy farming and learn more in the governance side of things.

''I hope to build a network of women in the Otago area who are all there for each other and happy to share and support each other.''

When not wearing her convener hat Mrs Johnston enjoys horse-riding and home-decorating but at present was getting organised for the DWN National conference in Invercargill on March 18 and 19.

If women were interested in joining the DWN South Otago group, Mrs Johnston can be contacted at:

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