Contractors are investigating why some Lawrence residents went without water at the weekend.
The Clutha District Council said yesterday the reservoir level had dropped, affecting water supply to some properties.
"The outage appears to largely be affecting properties in higher lying areas," a spokesman said.
"All residents are asked to continue to conserve water so the reservoir can replenish, which should help to restore supply to all properties."
It was the second day in a row the council said there were residents in the area with no water.
The council also advised water to those properties that remained online might be discoloured owing to the low reservoir level.
Anyone noticing a leak was urged to report it to the council.
A tanker for drinking water was available at Tuapeka Transport, the council said.
Further south, on Saturday, the Southland District Council advised that Riverton's water supply was also "at a critical low level".
Residents were urged to conserve water by not watering gardens or washing cars.
In an update later in the day it said people's efforts had made a difference and supply was matching demand.
- Staff reporter