Local Legend: Pauline Simonsen

Pauline Simonsen. PHOTO: EVELYN THORN
Pauline Simonsen. PHOTO: EVELYN THORN
This week’s Silver Fern Farms Local Legend is Pauline Simonsen.

Her nominator said "You couldn’t get a more compassionate, helpful and caring person who goes out of her way to help people and put them at ease when they aren’t feeling the best and are vulnerable.

"Every time I have seen her she has taken time out to help with queries and followed up above and beyond, whilst putting people at ease with her caring nature and warming presence."

Pauline was surprised to be nominated.

"I don’t think I am a legend whatsoever but this is really awesome to receive and I am grateful to whoever nominated me and Silver Fern Farms too."

Congratulations to Pauline, and a reminder to send your nomination names, their contact details and why they deserve the prize to evelyn.thorn@alliedpress.co.nz and they could be in to win.