Describing the signs’ placement as "stupid", Mr Dickey went on to outline some suggested improvements, and provide the board with an illustrated printout in support of his proposal.
"There’s been a wee bit of talk around Waitahuna about this, and the Clutha District Council has been contacted.
"We’re just asking the board to look at a simple, logical solution here, that would make a significant difference to the safety of our school students."
Mr Dickey recalled his own days as a pupil at Waitahuna.
"When a ball went over the fence, we’d just hop over and run out into the road to pick it up, but the 100kmh sign was a bit further up the hill in those days. Now, it’s at the corner of the school, which just doesn’t make sense."
The board expressed general agreement with Mr Dickey’s suggestion, while highlighting the need for formalities to be followed in the making of any changes.
Clutha District Council service delivery group manager Jules Witt, also present at the meeting, said similar processes had been instigated in Tapanui and Balclutha recently.
"It’s a process that takes time, as any change needs to be officially sanctioned by NZTA [the NZ Transport Agency] in order for it to be enforceable," he said.
Public consultation on the Tapanui and Balclutha proposals concluded before Christmas.
A proposal to move the 50kmh speed sign for traffic entering southern Tapanui further to the town’s south was first put forward in September 2017.
The more recent Balclutha proposal would move an existing 80kmh zone on State Highway 1, at the town’s southern exit, an additional 450m south, just past the new Rosebank Industrial Park.
However, an NZTA spokesman indicated a final decision on both changes was still an unspecified time away, to allow the agency time to "make the most informed decision possible".