Big night expected

Tickets for the Owaka 150th Shipwreck Ball at the Owaka Community Centre are expected to sell out well before the town's jubilee in January 2016.

Celebrations convener Anne-Marie Holland said tickets were now on sale for the ball, where attendees are to wear pre-1965 clothing.

''It will be a big night,'' she said. For the past year, a committee of six, working alongside Owaka Going Forward, has planned a 38-event, four-day celebration for the town's sesquicentennial.

A waka unveiling ceremony, burying a time capsule, an art exhibition, photo displays, floral art displays, historic films, historic bus tours, a golf tournament, a fete day - with clothing, crafts, jewellery, wine, food, and music - a variety concert, an old-fashioned sports day, a beard-growing competition, a grand parade and an afternoon of live jazz music are expected to see the town's population swell next summer from January 7 to January 10.

Past and present families of Owaka were asked to put together family photo boards.

''Times have changed,'' Ms Holland said. But there was still a wealth of community spirit in town.

''It's a great area, it's a great community. And you just have to ask someone if they want to help, and they're only too happy to help you. We've got huge buy-in from the community.''

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