Ban on glass for the festive season

Tom Taylor
Tom Taylor
Festivities at Kaka Point this holiday season will take place without glass.

A glass ban for the popular holiday spot was introduced on December 1 and will continue until January 31.

The ban is in force along the Esplanade from Rata St to Karoro Creek, including the beachfront.

From this week until January 2, it will also include Moana St.

This is the first time a glass ban has been introduced for the holiday period, and Balclutha Community Constable Tom Taylor said it was the result of Kaka Point residents expressing their concerns to the Clutha District Council about holiday drinking behaviour.

"During the festive season in past years, a large amount of broken glass ended up on the beach and the general foreshore."

This was mainly attributed to the visitors to Kaka Point, Const Taylor said.

"Broken glass [was] not only unsightly but caused nasty cuts to the bare feet of some people holidaying at Kaka Point."

No glass drinking containers will be permitted in the area covered by the ban.

Const Taylor also expressed concerns about the binge drinking behaviour displayed at Kaka Point.

"While a few drinks on a hot day can be great, and aid in conviviality, please try to moderate your drinking, so you do not end up as a brainless, drunken yahoo."

Const Taylor's advice for happy holiday-makers. -

- Have something substantial to eat while you are drinking - you will not become intoxicated so quickly.

- Pace yourself - do not try to drink all the alcohol you have in the shortest time possible.

- Drink water between drinks; it will save you from the "dry horrors" the next day.

- Do not ply youngsters with alcohol.

- Do not swim after you have been drinking.

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