Balclutha sale

Quality prime lambs sold well at this week's Balclutha Stock sale, while a yarding of excellent prime ewes enjoyed strong demand. Store lambs sold well and a line of breeding ewes sold on a par with recent sales.

Prices were.-

Prime sheep: Lambs, top, $13 -$153; medium, $118-$128; light, $10-$116.

Two-tooth ewes, top, $124; medium, $115; light, $90.

Ewes, top, $125-$160; medium, $110-$122; light, $88-$104.

Lower condition ewes, $45-$50.

Local trade rams, top, $90; medium, $80; light, $40.

Store sheep: Woolly lambs, top, $110; medium, $89; light, $63.

Shorn lambs, top, $112; medium. $94; light, $71.

Tail end lambs, $51-$60.

Breeding Ewes: Perendale cross two tooth ewes, $139.

Perendale mixed age ewes, $136.

Romney cross annual draft ewes, $132.


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