Spokeswoman Mel Foster said she believed total visitor numbers were on track to overtake last year’s 1300, as the attraction enters its final weekend.
"We’ve had really good numbers, some days over 200 people. The weather has been very kind recently, and the daffodils have been pretty spectacular this year."
By the time of its 1920s heyday, the 4ha of wooded dell and neighbouring paddocks contained more than two million bulbs of 50 varieties.
Visitors had responded well to an opening up of the site this year, following removal of invasive sycamore trees.
"We’ve had lots of new visitors from mainly Otago and Southland, who are keen to come back next year," Mrs Foster said.
The attraction is open 10am to 4pm from Friday to Sunday this week and a historic tour will take place at 2pm on Saturday.
A cash entry fee applies.