Clutha District Council community plan implementation project manager Mike Goldsmith presented the report to West Otago Community Board during its meeting in Tapanui yesterday.
The report summarised privately owned and council-owned sections and potential subdivisions in the town, as part of the council’s work on its Our Place West Otago Community Plan.
It came about after submissions from residents identified a need for increased housing options as a priority, during consultation on the plan last year.
The report identified 32 sections available at present, and a further 151 that could be made available with further subdivision.
Included among those was a proposed subdivision of the town’s council-owned Hancox Park and adjoining undeveloped land.

They ranged from a possible 14 sections of about 800sq m; to four to six larger sections and a reserve; to no development of the land.
Ward councillor Michelle Kennedy said she had been waiting for the park to be developed as a public recreational space since she was a child, and hoped still to see that happen.
"I’d hate to chop it up into sections and have it sit there for 20 years. I’d still prefer to see it developed as a park."
She said a residential development that included a park and reserve would be an acceptable compromise.
Fellow councillor John Herbert was more enthusiastic about development of the site.
"It’s ours, it’s cheap, and we’re doing it for the right reasons, i.e. not for profit. I believe we can land somewhere in the middle, providing for a reserve and a subdivision."
He said efforts should also be made to contact available section owners in the town, to present the council’s ambitions.
Council service delivery group manager Jules Witt said the council would investigate this process.
The council is also exploring options for residential development in Lawrence, as part of its community plan process.
During its meeting yesterday afternoon, Lawrence-Tuapeka Community Board members requested the council provide a similar breakdown of available land in the town.