Track building funds sought

Cycling, alcohol, council charges and requests for funding were the main subjects raised by submitters at the Queenstown Lakes District Council's annual plan hearing in Wanaka on Wednesday.

Four of about 20 submitters were there to promote the building of cycle and walking tracks in the Upper Clutha.

The Cardrona Valley Residents and Ratepayers Society sought council's commitment to a proposed $1million, 25km track linking Cardrona and Wanaka.

For the society, Kathy Brook-Lynne submitted the council was ‘‘the most logical body to own and maintain'' the track and the council's commitment was needed before the next round of negotiations over easements through eight farm properties.

In her submission, Ms Brook-Lynne said the track "may also pave the way for a track linking Wanaka to Arrowtown via the Crown Range''.

Upper Clutha Tracks Trust treasurer John Wellington submitted in support of council funding for two tracks.

One would link Hawea Flat with the existing Hawea River track and the other Dublin Bay with Maungawera Rd.

He also suggested a solution to the overcrowding of the Mt Roy walking track car park, on Mt Aspiring Rd, by adding a 520m walking track connecting Mt Aspiring Rd and the Glendhu Bay track, which he believed would encourage walkers to start from Wanaka.

Federated Farmers senior policy adviser David Cooper believed the council's proposed increase in resource consent fees be "parked'' until the new district plan was finalised.

He also considered it "unfair'' to pass on extra consent costs if the council's processes were inefficient.

The Wanaka Community House Charitable Trust, awaiting a decision on its resource consent application for a $3.5million community house, sought a "one-off grant'' of $50,000 from the council.

The Wanaka Community Patrol sought $5000 to help it cover the costs of late-night patrols by volunteers acting as the "eyes and ears'' of police.

The council is due to consider all submissions today and the amended annual plan will be on the agenda for adoption at its monthly meeting on June 30.

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