No application to EPA from winery

A Gibbston winery given the go-ahead to apply for fast-tracked consent for a new winery complex, including an education facility and "barrel hall", has yet to lodge the application.

That has led to the proposal being listed on the Environmental Protection Authority's (EPA) website as "unlikely to proceed".

The Otago Daily Times reported in March that Brennan Wines’ proposal had cleared its first hurdle under the Government’s fast-track consenting process by getting a referral order by Attorney-general David Parker to the EPA.

The next step is an resource consent application to the EPA.

Brennan Wines winemaker and director Sean Brennan could not be reached for comment, but the long-established vineyard had been seeking to extend its facilities with a three-level complex that would enable on-site wine-making, bottling and storage, and house a restaurant and cellar door.

The project was expedited by Mr Parker on the grounds it would provide specialist and local employment opportunities, and create economic benefits for the wine industry.

An EPA spokesman confirmed on Friday no application had been lodged.

"This may be for many reasons, such as electing to proceed under another consenting pathway, such as the Resource Management Act 1991, or because the scope and timing of the project has changed."

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