Humble daffodil takes top prize at flower show

There could be only one and, when it came down to it, it was a humble daffodil, grown in natural grass.

Jan Fraser, of Quail Rise, was awarded the champion overall bloom at yesterday’s Arrowtown Spring Flower Show for her daffy.

While Mrs Fraser, a former committee member, had entered the show "many, many times" and had often won prizes for her cut stems, she was caught off guard by yesterday’s win, particularly having it described by judges as "perfect".

"I thought it was pretty perfect, but I didn’t expect to have a perfect bloom — it’s just amazing."

Flower show organiser Jean Britton, of Arrowtown, said yesterday marked the 99th year of the almost annual event, which first started in 1923.

She believed there might have been a couple of years the show was not held, during World War 2, and last year’s event was cancelled because of Covid.

However, the number and standard of yesterday’s entries were a positive sign for the future.

All manner of cut flowers were up for judging, along with handcrafts, baking, and special children’s sections, including "clay exploration" for the tiniest of tots — the winner of that category was Astrid Copland, who is just 17 months old — while Sarah Dobson was named supreme champion for the most points in the show.



