Conservation session

Predator control expert Cam Speedy.
Predator control expert Cam Speedy.
Predator Free New Zealand Trust boss Jessi Morgan. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
Predator Free New Zealand Trust boss Jessi Morgan. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
Three of New Zealand’s conservation leaders will be sharing their knowledge at a free event in Arrowtown this weekend.

The Southern Lakes Sanctuary (SLS), in conjunction with the Predator Free New Zealand Trust (PFNZT), is hosting the community conservation session at the Arrowtown Community Centre on Sunday, aimed at anyone interested in saving the country’s native taonga species.

SLS project director Paul Kavanagh says NZ’s native birds, lizards and plants continue to struggle for survival against the predation of rats, feral cats, possums, stoats and other mustelids.

But, through the support of the PFNZT, the skills and knowledge of experts, and rapidly-advancing technology, "there is plenty of great stuff happening".

Speakers this Sunday are PFNZT chief executive Jessi Morgan, who’ll talk about the challenge of becoming predator free by 2050, and the need for better cat management across NZ, ecologist and renowned predator control expert Cam Speedy, who’ll provide information on the latest trapping strategies, and Simone Smits, from Zero Invasive Predators, who’ll talk about its success across large areas of the South Island.

The event starts at 2pm — to reserve a seat, email kiaora@southern

