Zoning and enrolment survey out

Parents are being asked to which preschools and primary schools they plan to send their children.

A parent survey has been launched by Queenstown and Remarkables primary schools.

Parents can fill out forms, or complete the survey online.

The survey is to help schools plan and develop infrastructures, and to establish the enrolment zone for the new Remarkables Primary School (RPS) for next year.

In a letter from Queenstown Primary School (QPS) principal John Western, and RPS principal Debbie Dickson, families are told of the topics being discussed by the school boards and the Ministry of Education.

The ministry is directing both boards to adopt enrolment schemes and zones.

The proposed zone for RPS would be Frankton, Kelvin Heights, Jacks Point, Quail Rise and Lake Hayes Estate, the letter said.

All other areas would be covered by QPS.

Arrowtown School's enrolment zone would probably stay the same, the letter said.

Boards are also waiting for the first results of a report from the Wakatipu Area Review of Schooling.

The findings are expected to affect schooling development in the basin.

The ministry is to consider bus entitlements for QPS and RPS, but both boards have asked the ministry to be flexible with entitlement during the transition period, and to base provision on the intentions of parents surveyed.

QPS is also clarifying bus services for pupils wanting to remain at other schools within the RPS enrolment zone.

The letter confirms that RPS will be gazetted as a year 0-8 school, but this may change over the next two years.

RPS will open its first four classrooms in terms one and two next year to new entrants, year one pupils and possibly year two pupils.

The other 16 classrooms will open in term two next year, but entry may be restricted to particular year groups, to ensure a smooth transition between schools during the year.

The survey will help board members decide entry restrictions, the letter said.

QPS wants to retain year 7 and 8 pupils from next year, which would align it with other primary schools in the Wakatipu.

Survey forms are scheduled to go online at www.queenstown.school.nz, and www.remarkablesprimary.school.nz today.

All surveys need to be submitted by May 22.


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