Name: Ed Bezett
Job title: Remarkables operations manager
Q) Where are you from?
A) Grew up on a farm at Lake Mahinerangi.
Q) How many seasons have you had in the job and why did you choose it?
A) Eleven in this role, but then it was all about getting into a full-time job in the ski industry.
Q) How would you describe the work?
A) Intense at times, but fun.
Q) What's the best thing?
A) I get to work with some absolutely fantastic people.
Q) And the worst thing?
A) Sometimes we put in some pretty big days.
Q) How would you describe life in Queenstown?
A) Queenstown is a great place to live. Every time I get out of town, I am reminded how great it is.
Q) What's the best advice you have for someone moving to Queenstown for seasonal work?
A) Get here early to sort out accommodation.
Q) What's been your most amusing skifield experience?
A) Working in Russia, driving to work at 3am in a van with no lights, getting pulled over by the police, then told to carry on.