Submissions on concept

A village green, car-parking and water infrastructure are wanted by Cardrona residents and landowners, the Queenstown Lakes District Council's strategy committee heard this week.

Senior policy analyst Ralph Henderson updated committee members on feedback from the Cardrona Valley Structure Plan Concept.

Twenty-one submissions were received in March and a further five in support of the submission by Brooklynne Holdings Ltd were received in April.

The Auckland company owns 60%-70% of the Cardrona village rural visitor zone.

Part of its submission asked for a "consolidated town centre" between Cardrona Valley Rd and Cardrona River, to prevent a retail strip.

Other submitters wanted design controls and guidelines to create and retain a distinct Cardrona character.

The need for existing zoned areas to work as a whole and the potential for walkways between zones and heritage areas were proposed.

The concept was designed to link existing projects and consider future issues over the next 20 years while protecting the character of the valley.

The council would review the plan every five years.

Although growth needs were difficult to determine because of the township's low population, the plan said a growth spurt could be triggered by a development project, expansion of skifield operations or the advent of more affordable housing outside Wanaka.

A report is being prepared for the strategy committee meeting next month.


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