Police plan to take a closer look at traffic issues on the Crown Range Rd at the turnoff to the Cardrona Alpine Resort skifield.
On Monday morning, a stationary queue of traffic filled the southbound lane for several hundred metres after the resort closed its gates.
With 5000 skiers on the slopes, the skifield was full and some skiers were turned away.
Part of the problem was that Wanaka's other skifield, Treble Cone, was closed on Monday because of a lack of snow.
Wanaka sub-area commander Senior Sergeant Allan Grindell said he suspected the traffic problem was the result of a ''unique set of circumstances'', with Treble Cone being closed during the school holidays.
''What we will do is, we will work with the skifield and have a look at just how to prevent that sort of thing happening again.''
Treble Cone was open yesterday and Snr Sgt Grindell said there had been a repeat of the traffic problem.
Cardrona marketing manager Nadia Ellis said the traffic issue had been the result of a ''perfect storm'' of school holidays, fresh snow, blue skies and Treble Cone being closed.
She did not expect the same combination of factors to occur again any time soon.