Investigation gets board's support

The Wanaka Community Board wants the Queenstown Lakes District Council to proceed with a $240,000 investigation into the inflow and infiltration of stormwater into Wanaka sewerage systems, following complaints about ageing systems or illegally or incorrectly connected pipes.

The board was told this week the project would take place over three years and include smoke tests, CCTV work and inspections of domestic and commercial premises for illegal storm water connections.

Three Parks change: An indicative time line for the Three Parks zone change has been approved by the Wanaka Community Board.

Developer Allan Dippie and a working party are working on proposed zone changes, which have not been released yet, that aim to provide 29,000sq m of retail and commercial floor space, 1030 houses and at least 6.3ha of business land for a range of office and light industrial uses.

The working party hopes to sign off a discussion document by the end of this month and obtain strategy committee approval by mid-May.

Public consultation is planned in June, with the Wanaka Community Board scheduled to consider the issue again in August before the strategy committee gets a second look in September.

All going well, the council will sign off the request for public notification in September, allowing the plan change to be advertised for comments in October.

Monley Lane: A small hurdle in the redevelopment of Ickworth Nominee's redevelopment of fire-damaged Penguins takeaway site on Ardmore St was cleared when the Wanaka Community Board agreed to acquire a small piece of the lane under the Public Works Act to clarify building line restrictions and property boundaries.

The existing building - which was until recently occupied by dentist Bruce Hale and the takeaway premises - encroaches on the lane. The site has one remaining tenant, Alice's Hairdressing.

Timaru developer Mark Hervey intends to remove the existing buildings, construct a commercial building and provide a footpath on Monley Lane. He has applied for resource consent.

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