Excitement as new school set to open

Remarkables Primary School foundation staff (back row, from left) teacher Lara Moss, deputy...
Remarkables Primary School foundation staff (back row, from left) teacher Lara Moss, deputy principal Sarah Graham, teacher Bridget Chamberlain, team leader Melissa Mitchell-Bain, teacher Kathryn McRae, teacher Nikki Martin, secretary Angela Murray and teacher Darran Ingram, with team leader Grant Hammond, principal Deborah Dickson, teacher Candice Buchanan, teacher Kelly Blair and teacher Shona McGibbon, pose on the Remarkables Range during their first induction day. Photo by Brendan Thow.
About 70 children and their families will be welcomed to the new Remarkables Primary School when it opens on schedule next Thursday.

A low-key ceremony will mark the occasion when year 1 and 2 pupils begin learning inside the four classrooms which make up "Flora pod", the first of five learning pods to be completed.

School principal Deborah Dickson said yesterday she and the foundation staff of deputy principal Sarah Graham, two team leaders, eight teachers and secretary Angela Murray had been working together on site since January 20.

They were preparing the curriculum, programme design, setting up classrooms and resources and working together as a team, she said.

"We're very happy with the amazing progress of the school.

"The classroom spaces are looking fantastic and will be outstanding areas to teach and learn in.

"Site works and play spaces around the first classroom block are nearly complete and will be ready for the first day of school."

Chairman Roy Thompson said the school's establishment board of trustees would like to recognise "the tremendous effort put in by the main contractor, Naylor Love, in delivering the first stage of the school on time.

"The board has also been very encouraged by the efforts put in by QLDC [Queenstown Lakes District Council] and their contractors to ensure the surrounding street networks and footpaths have been upgraded prior to the school opening."

School administration has been based in the early childhood centre, which will be home to Frankton Playcentre, from term 2, in late April.

Administration will then move into "pod two", and to the dedicated administration block in term 3, mid-July.

An official opening ceremony involving the foundation pupils will be held in term 3 after construction of the entire $17.3 million school is completed.

Remarkables Primary School is accepting pupils in staged intakes over three school years.

Year 7 and 8 pupils will be the last to arrive, at the start of 2012.


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