Queenstown Lakes District Council spokesman Mark Lewis said the work, by Fulton Hogan, would necessitate individual water shutdowns for about an hour, but occupiers would be contacted beforehand.
Street valves would be installed in lower Brunswick St tomorrow so the water supply in Brunswick and Thompson streets could be isolated from Lake Esplanade.
That would improve the reticulation system by reducing the disruption from future shutdowns and maintenance, Mr Lewis said.
All of Lake Esplanade, Beach St from Brunswick St to Lake Esplanade and all of Brunswick St would experience a "complete water shutdown" for about four hours while the work was carried out.
Fulton Hogan had advised that when the water was turned on after shutdowns "it pays to run a tap - preferably an outside one - to clear any air that may have got into the system", Mr Lewis said.
On Tuesday there would also be some traffic disruption on lower Brunswick St, and pedestrian access along the north side of Lake Esplanade would be diverted through the Bumbles Backpackers car park.