A resource consent application to build a new police station in Wanaka has been lodged with Lakes Environmental and construction may begin as early as February.
The station is to be built on Ballantyne Rd, below the Department of Conservation building.
Police National Headquarters approved the concept design in August and it is hoped the station will be open by late next year.
Project manager Stuart Anderson, of Signal Management Group, in Dunedin, said should consent be granted, the site would be the subject of a future notice of requirement to designate the land for police use.
The site was designated by the Queenstown Lakes District Council for recreational reserve but the council had approved in principle the lifting of that designation, Mr Anderson said.
The site is being subdivided into three parcels, one of which will be transferred to New Zealand Police, one to the New Zealand Fire Service, and the third to be retained by Doc.
The consent application requests it be processed on a non-notified basis.