Social agencies are demanding answers from the Queenstown Lakes District Council on how it will support more than 300 displaced Lakeview cabin residents.
A group of 11 social service providers tabled a letter at the public forum of the council's monthly meeting on Tuesday.
Salvation Army community worker Hine Marchand told councillors the resort was ''not just glitz and glam'', and agencies would be ''picking up the shortfall'' as families were pushed into an expensive rental market.
She asked councillors what they considered affordable rental housing: ''If it's up around $400 to $500 [a week], it's ridiculous.''
The leases of 77 privately-owned cabins on the mainly council-owned Lakeview site - earmarked for a convention centre and other redevelopment - expire on September 30 with no right of renewal.
The council has indicated that cabins gifted to the council, and 90 it already owns, could continue to be rented out until a redevelopment agreement for Lakeview is in place.
Happiness House trustee Nanette Benington said that as the cabins were removed, more than 300 residents would be ''pushed into an already tight and expensive rental market''.
The council had committed itself to avoiding that when it approved plan change 24 in 2013.
The social agencies grouping wanted ''specific information'' on how the council would provide rental housing for displaced residents and for people taking up jobs created by the redevelopment of Lakeview.
''We would also like the council to advise how they intend to financially support social service providers in the community, should the promised affordable housing not in fact eventuate and the ongoing shortfall continue.''
The letter's signatories are Public Health South, Supporting Families Wakatipu, Supporting Families Southland, Strengthening Families, Kahu Psychotherapy, Re-Create Counselling, Community Housing Trust, Salvation Army, Jigsaw Central Lakes, Happiness House and Age Concern.