Potential parking problems could decide the fate of the proposed Wanaka Community House.
The resource consent hearing reconvened in Wanaka yesterday to consider the 684sq m centre on McDougall St which would provide offices and meeting spaces for community groups.
It would be built on vacant land leased from the Anglican Diocese of Dunedin.
Independent commissioners Andrew Henderson and Jane Taylor are also considering an application by Varina Proprietary Ltd to change the way it runs its Peak Function Centre at nearby Upton St.
This would also increase on-street parking.
Traffic consultant Andy Carr said the chances of both centres having coinciding events were low, as the function centre would operate mainly during evenings, and the community centre largely during office hours.
Parking congestion could largely be avoided with a proper traffic management plan and dialogue between the function centre and community house, he said.
Queenstown Lakes District Council consultant traffic engineer Mike Smith predicted there would be overlap between events.
This could fill Upton St's parks, causing traffic congestion, he said.
‘‘With high density parking on a narrow street like that you'll end up with a line of traffic.''
It could also impact cyclist safety and the ability of residents with large vehicles to get on to their properties, he said.
The commissioners adjourned February's hearing after it was suggested the church had not provided the 20 off-street car parks required under an historic building permit.
Mr Carr said in evidence before the hearing these parks could instead be accommodated ‘‘on-street''.
Council planner Sarah Picard said the parking and traffic effects of the community house proposal would be minor ‘‘subject to the implementation of a traffic management plan''.
The Wanaka Community House Charitable Trust will send a written reply to the commissioners for their consideration by late next week.