Comedy an opportunity to dabble

Anyone who is interested in acting and has a good sense of humour is encouraged to audition for the 20 roles in the next Queenstown Gardens Promenade Theatre production by Remarkable Theatre.

The theatre troupe will perform ''A Jolly Good Stroll in the Gardens - an Afternoon of Classic British Comedy'' as part of the annual community Summerdaze Festival on January 24, 25 and 26.

Award-winning director Tori Keating, of Kingston, said the show would pay tribute to well-known British comedy and offer audiences scenes from a selection of British television programmes and films.

''It has been a challenging, but enjoyable, process whittling down the final script, with so much potential - there have been many late nights watching shows like Fawlty Towers, The Young Ones and Blackadder, among many others,'' Ms Keating said.

''British humour, I think, tends to be very grass-roots and observational. American comedy looks at the whole picture and packs it with punchlines and what happens to people in the scene.

''Kiwi and Aussie comedy tends to be more similar to the UK and that's because we tend to look at a slice of life. You only have to look at the films we make - Boy, Two Little Boys, The Dish and Muriel's Wedding.''

Ms Keating said about 15 scenes were planned for three to five actors each and would last only a few minutes, ''so they are a great way for anyone wanting to give theatre a try without the same time commitment as a main stage production''.

Remarkable Theatre will host auditions for anyone over the age of 17 on the evening of November 29 and during the day on November 30, at times and locations suitable for hopefuls.

For further information and audition packs and times, email the director at

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