Cardrona River gets top designation

Lakes Environmental landscape architect Helen Mellsop threw the cat among the pigeons at a gravel extraction consent hearing this week, deeming the Cardrona River site an "outstanding natural feature", for which the toughest planning rules in the district apply.

The Cardrona River and Ballantyne Rd site is near Wastebusters and the one-lane bridge on Ballantyne Rd, and has been associated for many years with large stockpiles of gravel and other materials for use in the construction industry.

Wanaka Landfill Ltd lawyer Jan Caunter yesterday expressed her surprise the site had been given the tough designation, which also applies to Roys Peninsula and other prominent areas of scenic value.

The company's own landscape architect, Philip Blakely, had assessed the gravel extraction consent on the basis it was a "visual amenity landscape", which is a little further down the landscape pecking order.

"We are surprised at the content of the [Lakes Environmental] report. There was no suggestion it was going to come up," Ms Caunter said, adding she did not think Mr Blakely would move from his original assessment.

Ms Mellsop told the commissioners yesterday she, too, was sticking to her original assessment.

Her assessment of the Cardrona River near the Ballantyne Rd one-lane bridge as an outstanding natural feature was based on the district plan, which says braided rivers are important habitats for fish and birdlife.

Outstanding natural features or landscapes should be protected from inappropriate subdivision, use or development, particularly where the activity may threaten a landscape's openness or natural state, Ms Mellsop's report states.

She believed the site met ONF criteria because the Cardrona River exhibited high natural and scenic values; provided a habitat for indigenous and acclimatised bird and fish species; the river's formative processes were clearly visible; and natural science factors overshadowed human modification.

There was potential for significant adverse impact on rural amenities and the landscape.

Should consent be granted, site management and operating conditions should be imposed, including dust control, she said.

The commissioners have recalled Mr Blakely to give more evidence today. Lakes Environmental landscape architect Keren Neal has given the same reasons for deciding the Cardrona River meets ONF criteria in relation to the Upper Clutha Transport Ltd gravel extraction consent to be heard next week.


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