Entertaining talks about the early days of the Queenstown Citizens Advice Bureau (QCAB) are in store when volunteers celebrate its 20th anniversary on Friday.
Original QCAB volunteers Joan Allan, Kirsty Sharpe and Lorraine Cooper will recount how the community service was established and examine how it has changed over the years.
The talks will be held after the short annual meeting, in St John rooms, in Frankton, from 11am.
The bureau is hoping to get as many former volunteers to attend as possible and the gathering was also open to the public.
A total of 32 volunteers of many nationalities and ages help at the bureau, which has been based on the corner of Stanley and Ballarat Sts, in Queenstown, for the past 10 years.
However, at least another 10 volunteers were needed to ensure the bureau ran smoothly, and it was hoped interested people would attend the anniversary celebration.
QCAB chairwoman Kathy Buckham, of Quail Rise, said tenants, landlords and redundant workers were often seeking the bureau's assistance.
Advice on budgeting and immigration was also sought.
More than 4600 people visited the QCAB for assistance in the year ending June.