Palmerston mulls ambulance service

A St John ambulance may be based in Palmerston, staffed by local volunteers.

Discussions had been held between St John and various people in Palmerston, St John Operations manager for Coastal Otago David Jaspers said.

The proposal would involve using volunteers based at Palmerston rather than paid Dunedin staff. More data was being sought on the likely ambulance workload in the Palmerston area.

If an ambulance was to be based at Palmerston, an ambulance response group would be set up in the town.

It could be up to 12 months before a group was set up with trained volunteers, he said.

Volunteers who would be available during the day would be required.

There had been a St John community service group in Palmerston some years ago.

This group was no longer functioning, Mr Jaspers said.

A multiple-casualty car accident will occur on Ballantyne Rd tonight, requiring a full turnout by Wanaka's emergency services.

But it will be a practice, not the real thing, ambulance officer Daniel Rooney told the Otago Daily Times this week.

The scenario will involve a van and several cars, with passengers requiring treatment by Wanaka St John ambulance officers.

The Wanaka Volunteer Fire Brigade will take the cars apart using their car rescue equipment.

The "accident" will occur about 7.30pm, after the St John annual meeting.

The vehicles have been donated by a local car wrecking company.

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